Frame, Custom, Parked – Clay Paky HandsOn User Manual
Page 42: Functions

Some fxtures have DMX controlled shutter blades (sometimes also called “framing”); use the
Frame part to control this function.
For example the Martin MAC 2000 Performance features framing.
When a function is not defned in one of the above parts, you can use a Custom.
When defning a Custom, you can choose a name for the Custom which will be displayed under the
fader in Handson.
Tip: Please keep in mind that the space is limited when choosing a name for a Custom, we recommend 4
characters. For example “ANIM” for “Animation Wheel”
You can add up to 8 custom parts.
Parked can be used to permanently keep a channel in a specifc value.
For example: some fxtures have a “control by DMX” setting that needs to be a value in order to control
the fxture over DMX. You can set this by creating a Parked with a fxed value.
A fxed value can be created by setting the same value for the minimum and the maximum.
When you are making a model that requires a channel to be at a specifc value
for a specifc function, you can use the “Function ...” attribute.
For example, if you need to defne a gobo-scroll with channel 6 and you need
channel 5 to be at a specifc value to be able to use this scroll, you can create
a new “Function Scroll” and give it the settings that are needed on channel 5.
All you need to do now is create the scroll as usual.
When you are using the scroll, Handson makes sure that channel 5 is set
correctly before applying the scroll to your fxture.
For example the gobo wheel of a High End Systems Studio Spot 575 CMY.
(see picture below)