5 playbacks, Assignment, Laybacks – Clay Paky HandsOn User Manual
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Playbacks are an important element in a cuelist based lighting controller like Handson. Cuelists are not
activated directly, instead they are assigned to a playback. The playback allows the user to start (give
the playback a 'Go') and stop ('release' the playback) the cuelist, as well as controlling other parameters
like intensity, speed, attack, etc. Playbacks can also contain stacklists and groups.
There are two types of playbacks, playback faders and playback buttons. They work in a similar way, the
diference is that a playback button does not feature the intensity fader and the fash button. Therefor
the playback button takes up less space in the Handson user-interface. Playback buttons are more
suitable for controlling cuelists that have fxed-value attributes like fxed colours, gobo, prism and
shutter. On the other hand, playback faders are better suited for controlling cuelists containing level-
value attributes like dimmer, RGB colour, iris, strobe, etc.
You can assign a playback in three ways.
Firstly, you open the PLAY menu, select a cell corresponding to playback and press the ASSIGN button.
The dialog that will pop-up guides you through selecting a cuelist, stacklist or group to assign to this
playback. The PLAY menu also enables you to Copy/Paste and SWAP assignments.
Illustration 3: Playback Buttons
Illustration 2: Playback Faders