Bundle, Sub-masters, Banksafe – Clay Paky HandsOn User Manual
Page 14

You bundle playbacks together so they work mutually exclusive; i.e. only one playback is active at the
same time. Whenever you start a playback it will automatically release any other playback in the same
bundle. You can set up up to 20 diferent
Bundles come in handy if you have a couple of
playbacks controlling cuelists for the same
fxtures, especially if those cuelists contain
HTP attributes like dimmer.
When you attach a Group to a playback button, the playback button allows you to quickly select the
fxtures in that group. When attached to a playback fader, the PLAY-button of the playback fader acts as
the selection button and the fader becomes a live intensity fader for the group.
Some cuelists or sub-masters you will need to change so frequently, that you would like to access them
from each bank. In the PLAY menu, you can achieve this quickly by selecting the playback's cell in the
table and clicking BANKSAFE.
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