Frost, Colourmix, Colourfix – Clay Paky HandsOn User Manual

Page 40: Gobo

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Frost has two modes of operation, some fxtures use the Control (LSB) ranges while others only have an
on/of option for the frost function.


The ColourMix part can hold the RGB,
CMY, White and Amber ranges. To quickly

add RGB to the fxture you can use the
ADD RGB button.


When a fxture has a wheel with fxed colours, you can use the ColourFix to defne the slots in the colour
wheel. You would need to add slots for each colour position. Up to three ColourFix parts are supported

by the Builder.
Select a slot and click CHANGE. Now you

can pick the appropriate colour from the
list of colour libraries. Quite a few

fxtures feature 'split colours'; a position
on the wheel where two halves of a

colour are visibile (e.g. Clay Paky Power
Spot 575). The Builder supports up to 4

diferent colours per slot.
Next to adding slots you can also add ranges for scroll, random and several function ranges. These

function ranges are explained on page



To change the range of a colour, select the range and click change. You can either set the range by

typing or by using the up/down controls. The fastest way, however, is to type the minimum value, press
enter, and type the maximum value, press enter again to close the dialog.
When you change the channel number of a colour slot, all colour slots will automatically get the same


Please add a Gobo part for each gobo wheel in the fxture, up to three gobo parts are supported. Then
add a slot for each gobo on the wheel, including open-gobo, and set its range.
You can pick an image for each gobo, if
you don't know the actual gobo

patterns then it is best to stick with the
numbered images.
Functions like shake, rotation and index
are sometimes controlled by another

DMX channel; in this case add a range
(e.g. shake) to the part as well. Other

times, shake and rotation are set on the same DMX channel as the gobo selection; in this case set an
extra range per slot.
