Bird Technologies 3170A Series User Manual
Page 9
Chap ter 1
In tro duc tion
Gen eral
This pub li ca tion re fers to the Model 3170A which is a mem ber of the Bird Model 3170A Se ries
High Speed Wattcher RF Mon i tors. Models in cluded in the se ries are listed in ta ble 1-1. All mod -
els will gen er ally be re ferred to as a Wattcher unit through out this man ual.
The in for ma tion in this in struc tion book per tains to all mod els ex cept noted dif fer ences re ferred to
in the text and in the Dif fer ence Data Sheets (see Ap pen dix A).
Pur pose and Func tion
The Model 3170A Se ries High Speed Wattcher unit is a two chan nel power mon i tor ing sys tem for
use in 50 ohm co ax ial trans mis sion lines. Ad just able set points al low user to pre set max i mum re -
flected and min i mum for ward power trip points.
Ac ti vated au di ble/vi sual alarms in di cate an er ro ne ous con di tion pres ent on the trans
mis sion line.
Cor rec tive ac tion can then be fol lowed to ei ther pro tect trans mis sion equip ment or re store trans -
mis sion line to op er a tional char ac ter is tics. This power mon i tor ing ca pa bil ity is ac com plished
through the use of a dual port 50 ohm in ser tion type line sec tion. Each port must con tain a stan -
dard Bird Elec tronic Cor po ra tion plug-in el e ment. Usually el e ments with a ten to one ra tio is rec -
om mended for the for ward and re verse power lev els.
The Wattcher mon i tor ing sys tem also pro vides ad di tional ter mi nal con nec tions for user spe cific
ap pli ca tions. For de tails and wir ing in for ma tion, see Ap pen dix B.
Model Num ber
Power Range
Com ments
100 mW - 10 kW
Built in Line Sec tion
100 mW - 10 kW
100 mW - 10 kW
250 W - 100 kW
Uses Ex ter nal Line
Sec tion
300 W - 60 kW
100 mW - 10 kW
100 mW - 10 kW
Table 1-1
Var i ous Models