Bird Technologies 3170A Series User Manual

Page 21

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Remote Meter Cable


Re mote me ters can be con nected to J4. The fol low ing in struc tions are pro vided for as sem bling ca -
bles for re mote me ter mount ing.

Ca ble rec om mended is Belden num ber 8208, 18 AWG braided shield wire. Bird p/n is 5-704. Re -
quired con nec tor plug is Bird p/n 5-665.


Cut ca ble to de sired length.


Strip and tin wires to lengths as shown.


Dis as sem ble con nec tor and as sem ble the plug sec tion on the ca ble.
In sert wires into pins mak ing sure the red wire is in serted in to pin
num ber two and the white wire to pin one. Soft sol der these con -
nec tions se curely.


In sert the shield braid ing be tween the spring coils and clip short.
Re as sem ble the con nec tor’s outer con duc tor and tighten the set
screws se curely.


Ser vice the other end of the ca ble as shown. Con nect two black
leads to the braided ground wire as shown. The red wire is the for -
ward power and the white is the re flected power.



Figure 3-4

Re mote Me ter Ca ble