Func tional de scrip tion – Bird Technologies 3170A Series User Manual

Page 11

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Func tional De scrip tion


The Wattcher Mon i tor’s in ter nal cir cuitry and an a log me ters are en closed in sep a rate alu mi num
hous ings. These hous ings are mounted to a stan dard 19 inch panel for rack mount ap pli ca tions.

Front Panel


Forward Monitor

Ac tive LED—In di cates for ward power is be ing mon i tored and an er ror con di tion will be in

di cated

upon fail ure.
Trip LED—In di cates er ror con di tion has oc curred.


Reflected Monitor

Ac tive LED—In di cates re flected power is be ing mon i tored and an er ror con di tion will be in di -
cated upon fail ure.
Trip LED—In di cates er ror con di tion has oc curred.


Audible Alarm

If for ward or re flected power set points are ex ceeded an au di ble alarm is sounded. The alarm
works in conjuction with er ror sta tus in di ca tor re flect ing fail ure con di tions.



This push but ton re sets the mon i tor ing sys tem to nor mal op er a tion af ter an er ror con di tion has
been cor rected.



Figure 1-1

Front Panel