Bird Technologies 3170A Series User Manual

Page 16

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Op er a tions

The out put of the con firm com para tor goes di rectly to the con firm out put drive tran sis tors. The
out put of the re flected com para tor goes di rectly to the alarm cir cuitry and to the re flec tor mon i tor
trip ped LED latch. The out put of the for ward com para tor is gated by the ac ti vate for ward mon i tor
sig nal AFM be fore go ing to the alarm cir cuitry and LED latch.

In other words, the sig nal is blocked if the ac ti vate for ward mon i tor sig nal is not pres ent. The
AFM sig nal passes through a de lay cir cuit be fore reach ing the gate. The pur pose of the de lay is to
al low for any de lays in the user’s equip ment be tween the ini tial ex ci ta tion of the car rier ON sig nal
and the pres ence of power on the trans mis sion line.

Re set

The re set sig nal clears the horn latch and the two trip LED latches. This sig nal can come from
three sources: the pushbutton switch on the front panel, the rear panel in put/out put, or from the
power-up re set ca pac i tor when the de vice is first turned on or af ter a power in ter rup tion.

Bird Se ries 3170A High-Speed Wattcher
RF Mon i toring Sys tem
