Bird Technologies 3170A Series User Manual

Page 28

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Dis as sem bly

Meter Replacement

If the me ters should be come de fec tive and re quire re place ment, pro ceed as out lined in the fol low -
ing steps:


Re move the hous ing that cov ers the back of the me ters by un screw -
ing the four 4-40 oval head screws from the front panel. These
screws are lo cated above and be low the me ter faces. The cover will
come right off.


Ob serve the con nec tions of the me ter leads, to main tain the cor rect
po lar ity in re as sem bly. Then dis con nect the leads.


Loosen the clamp screw on the sides of the me ter un til the clamp is
re leased and can be taken off. The me ter may now be with drawn
for ward through the front panel.


The me ters are re placed by merely re vers ing the above pro ce dures.

Replace DC Fuse


Disconnect this unit from ac power source before any disassembly for cleaning, repair or

replacement procedures. The potential for electrical shock exists.


Re move top cover.


Using a fuse puller or a small flat blade screw driver, care fully re -
move the fuse from fuse clips.


NOTE: The fuse is lo cated on the cir cuit board, to ward the back right cor ner.


Re place with same type and rat ing fuse. 3 AG,



Amp Bird P/N



Re place top cover.

Stor age

If the unit is not to be used for an ex tended pe riod of time, store in a cool dry place where it will
be free from rough treat ment, dust, and damp ness.

Re pack aging

Should you need to re turn the Wattcher unit, use the orig i nal ship ping pack age if pos si ble. If the
orig i nal pack age is not avail able, use a heavy duty cor ru gated box with shock-absorbing ma te rial
around all sides of the unit to pro vide firm cush ion and to pre vent move ment in con tainer. Con -
tainer should be prop erly sealed.

Bird Se ries 3170A High-Speed
RF Mon i toring Sys tem
