Bird Technologies 3170A Series User Manual
Page 10
Spec i fi ca tions
Ad di tional Op tions
Fre quency and power range are gov erned by the line sec tion and el e ments se lected. A sum mary of
the var i ous mod els and their ap pli ca tions is pro vided in Ap pen dix A, Dif fer ent Data Sheets.
An el e ment ta ble se lec tion guide for the var i ous line sec tions is pro vided in Chap ter—5
Main te -
Cable Assemblies
DC Ca ble As sem blies are avail able for re mote rigid line in stal la tion. The as sem blies are var i ous
length of RG-58/U ca ble with a dc plug, P/N 7500-076 on one end and a BNC(m) con nec tor in -
stalled on the op po site end. Re fer to the ca ble sec tion of the parts list for ca ble lengths and part
num bers.
Bird Se ries 3170A High-Speed Wattcher
RF Mon i toring Sys tem
Im ped ance
50 Ohms nom i nal
Power Range
Models 3170A, 3170A200,
3170A300, 3172A, 3173A
Model 3171A
Model 3171A020.
100 mW to 10 kW full scale
250 W to 100 kW full scale
300 W to 60 kW full scale
In di cated Power Ac cu racy
5% of full scale
Alarm Ac cu racy
5% of full scale
Re sponse Time
sec max i mum
Ac ti vate For ward Mon i tor
(Ad just able De lay)
Models 3170A, 3170A200,
3171A, 3171A020, 3172A,
Model 3170A300
sec to 50 msec nom i nal
7.1 msec to 5 sec nom i nal
Ac ti vate For ward Mon i tor (Sig nal
Models 3170A, 3170A300,
3171A020, 3173A
Models 3170A200, 3172A
Ac tive state: 0 to 1 V Off state: held
to 5 V in ter nally
Ac tive state: 0 to 1 V Off state: 2.4 V
to 50 V
In puts and Out puts (All Units)
Will in ter face di rectly to TTL
Out put Drive Ca pa bil ity
Will sink 180 mA
5 Volt Sup ply Out put
Will source 360 mA, reg u lated
In ser tion VSWR
1.05 max i mum dc to 1 GHz
AC Power Re quire ments
115/230 Vac 50/60 Hz @ 56 mA
max i mum
DC Power Re quire ments
12.7 Vdc to 16.0 Vdc @ 400 mA
max i mum
Over all Di men sions
9-21/64"D x 19"W x 5-7/32"H (237 x
483 x 133 mm)
Models 3170A, 3170A200,
Models 3171A, 3171A020,
3172A, 3173A
7 lb. (3.2 kg)
5.5 lb. (2.5 kg)