Bird Technologies 3170A Series User Manual

Page 19

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Set the CAL I BRATE/OP ER ATE switch to the cal i brate po si tion (to
the left).


Cal i brate/Op er ate Switch


For ward Ref er ence Ad just ment Po ten ti om e ter


Re flected Ref er ence Ad just ment Po ten ti om e ter


For ward Set Point Po ten ti om e ter


Re flected Set Point Po ten ti om e ter


Con firm Set Point Po ten ti om e ter


For ward Mon i tor Ac tive De lay Dip Switch

Adjust Set-points


Using the for ward ref er ence po ten ti om e ter ad just the for ward me ter
to in di cate the power level at which the for ward alarm is to be trip -


Ad just the for ward set-point po ten ti om e ter un til the min ia ture LED
to the left of the po ten ti om e ter is just at the tran si tion from off to


NOTE: Turn ing the po ten ti om e ter clock wise will raise the set-point and turn the light off.


Using the re flected ref er ence po ten ti om e ter and the re flected
set-point po ten ti om e ter, set the re flected trip point in a sim i lar man -
ner. The alarm will trip dur ing this op er a tion un less the RE SET but -
ton is held in.


The con firm set-point is ad justed us ing the for ward ref er ence po ten -
ti om e ter and the con firm set-point po ten ti om e ter. If the con firm out -
put is not used, it is not nec es sary to ad just the con firm set-point
po ten ti om e ter.


Once the set-points are ad justed, the CAL I BRATE/OP ER ATE
switch can be re turned to the op er ate po si tion (to the right). If us ing
ac tive for ward mon i tor ca pa bil ity then pro ceed to para graph 3-6. If
not, then re place the face plate.



Figure 3-2

Con trols and In di ca tors