Bird Technologies 3170A Series User Manual

Page 40

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Re set In put

A re mote re set could be used in case of false alarm or a brief dis tur bance has trip ped the Wattcher
Mon i tor but left the trans mis sion in tact.

Remote Contact Reset

This op tion al lows re set on site, but re mote from the Wattcher unit. Ter mi nal 8, Re set, is ac tive
low and will cause a re set when the switch is closed, mak ing a con nec tion to ter mi nal 7, ground.
One or sev eral mo men tary con tact, nor mally open, switches can be con nected in se ries for re set
from var i ous lo ca tions.

Ex ter nal Alarms

Var i ous sen sors or sys tems may be con nected to the ex ter nal alarm, ter mi nals 3 or 4. Ter

mi nals


and 4 are ac tive low in puts. An alarm con di tion oc curs when ei ther ter mi nal is pulled low. Un der
nor mal op er at ing con di tions, these in puts are held high by in ter nal re sis tors.

Re mote Mon i toring or Me tering

Bird Se ries 3170A High-Speed Wattcher
RF Mon i toring Sys tem


Figure B-5
Re set In put

Figure B-6

Ex ter nal Alarms