Op er ating in struc tions – Bird Technologies 3170A Series User Manual
Page 23
Chap ter 4
Op er ating In struc tions
Gen eral
When the unit is in stalled and con nected to a trans mit ter for re mote mon i tor ing, me ter ing, or ex -
ter nal alarms and func tions as your in stal la tion re quires, op er a tor at ten tion is not re quired. The
equip ment will com pletely mon i tor a trans mit ter’s op er a tion. The only time op er at ing per son nel
will be nec es sary is to re set the unit if it has not been wired for au to matic or re mote re set. Re fer to
Ap pen dix B for dif fer ent ap pli ca tions in which the Wattcher mon i tor can be used.
RF Power Mea sure ment
RF power mea sure ments are made by the in ser tion of the de tec tor el e ments into the line sec tion.
The el e ments are se lected for the fre quency range and power level used.
For ward and re flected power is in di cated when the ar row on the el e ment plate points in the di rec -
tion of power flow. The for ward power flows from the trans mit ter to the load or an tenna and the
re flected power flows from the load or an tenna to the trans mit ter.
When the de tect ing el e ment is placed in the line sec tion, be sure it is fully seated and fully ro tated
to the stop for the ap pro pri ate in di cat ing po si tion. Also be sure the el e ment catch on the el e ment
socket face of the line sec tion is in place on the shoul der of the el e ment. This will as sure
con tact be tween the el e ment and line sec tion body.
El e ments are se lected for the power and fre quency range re quired. Since the re flected power is
gen er ally much less than the for ward power, it may be ben e fi cial to se lect an el e ment of lower
power value for the re flected side. This will al low better read ing res o lu tion. Gen erally el e ments of
a ten to one ra tio are used.