Connect power and video cables – Autocue SSP07 Quick Start User Manual

Page 6

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Getting started
- Prepare and connect the prompting hardware

SSP07-QStartUserManual.docx 2010-10-01


Loosen the retaining thumbs


Rotate the camera mounting

the hood.


Slot the bracket over the thumbscrews and ti

Note: It is likely that the position of the unit will have to be adjusted after you have

mounted your camera so that it is balanced on the tripod. A balanced camera and
prompter assembly will make it easier to perform smooth pan and tilt shots.

Connect power and video cables


Attach the large plug to the socket on the side of the monitor.


You can use either a composite or VGA video input





Prepare and connect the prompting hardware


Loosen the retaining thumbscrews holding the camera mounting bracket.

Rotate the camera mounting bracket so that it is on the top of the unit and behind

er the thumbscrews and ti

ghten all four thumbscrews to secure it.

the position of the unit will have to be adjusted after you have

mounted your camera so that it is balanced on the tripod. A balanced camera and
prompter assembly will make it easier to perform smooth pan and tilt shots.

Connect power and video cables

large plug to the socket on the side of the monitor.

You can use either a composite or VGA video input by connecting the appropriate


© 2003-2010 Autocue Group Ltd.


and behind

ghten all four thumbscrews to secure it.

the position of the unit will have to be adjusted after you have

mounted your camera so that it is balanced on the tripod. A balanced camera and
prompter assembly will make it easier to perform smooth pan and tilt shots.

by connecting the appropriate