Autocue SSP07 Quick Start User Manual
Page 18

Make the most of your prompter
- Different ways to control scrolling
SSP07-QStartUserManual.docx 2010-10-01
Keyboard arrow keys
Foot controller
The Up arrow key increases the speed each time it is
pressed and the down arrow key
Press the left arrow key to change direction and the right
arrow key to stop scrolling.
Use the Home key to jump to the top of your script and
the End key to jump to the bottom of the script
Move the mouse forward to increase the scroll speed.
Move the mouse backwards to decrease the speed.
The left button changes direction and the right button
stops the scrolling.
The default actions of the ShuttleXpress buttons are, from
left to right:
Previous Item
Next Item
Reset Item
Reset Runorder
The pedal of the controller varies the speed at which the
text moves up or down the screen.
The button on the top of the controller changes the
direction of scrolling.
© 2003-2010 Autocue Group Ltd.
The Up arrow key increases the speed each time it is
pressed and the down arrow key decrease the scroll rate.
Press the left arrow key to change direction and the right
Use the Home key to jump to the top of your script and
the End key to jump to the bottom of the script.
increase the scroll speed.
Move the mouse backwards to decrease the speed.
The left button changes direction and the right button
The default actions of the ShuttleXpress buttons are, from
The pedal of the controller varies the speed at which the
text moves up or down the screen.
The button on the top of the controller changes the