Don’t lose your work, Change words and phrases, Prompt your script – Autocue SSP07 Quick Start User Manual
Page 12

Make the most of your prompter
- Import, edit and prompt scripts
SSP07-QStartUserManual.docx 2010-10-01
Navigate to select the required file
If requested, select the appropriate file format
The text is inserted at the position of the cursor.
Don’t lose your work
Save file
Click the Save button to save any changes you have made to the current script. If the file has not been saved
before, the standard Windows save
Export file
If you wish to change the name of the script you are editing, click the
standard Windows save dialog where you can specify the name and s
Change words and phrases
Search and Replace
Click the Replace button
Enter the word you are searching for in the “Find what” text field
Add any special characters by clicking either the Internal Chars or Special Chars
buttons and selecting the required character to be searched.
Click the Find Next, Replace or Replace All button.
Undo changes
Click the Undo button to remove all unsav
Prompt your script
Click the Begin Prompting button to send your completed script to
Navigate to select the required file
If requested, select the appropriate file format
The text is inserted at the position of the cursor.
Click the Save button to save any changes you have made to the current script. If the file has not been saved
before, the standard Windows save file dialog will be displayed.
If you wish to change the name of the script you are editing, click the Export File
standard Windows save dialog where you can specify the name and storage location of the script.
Enter the word you are searching for in the “Find what” text field
Add any special characters by clicking either the Internal Chars or Special Chars
buttons and selecting the required character to be searched.
ck the Find Next, Replace or Replace All button.
Click the Undo button to remove all unsaved changes made to your script
Click the Begin Prompting button to send your completed script to be displayed on the monitor of th
© 2003-2010 Autocue Group Ltd.
Click the Save button to save any changes you have made to the current script. If the file has not been saved
button. This opens the
torage location of the script.
Add any special characters by clicking either the Internal Chars or Special Chars
be displayed on the monitor of the SSP.