Autocue SSP07 Quick Start User Manual

Page 15

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Make the most of your prompter
- Dividing long scripts or using multiple presenters

SSP07-QStartUserManual.docx 2010-10-01


Click the Add button


Enter a description or name for the marker in the Comment field


Enter a sequence of keystrokes that you can use to jump to this marker

while the script is being prompted

Note: If an inappropriate key sequence is selecte


When you have entered a comment and valid shortcut click

be added to the list.

The number in the first column of the list refers to the relative position of a marker in
the script. If you have two markers already and add another marker at a position
between them, the new marker will be

be renumbered as 3.

Note: If you use the same shortcut for two markers, the shortcut will only find the marker

with the lowest number.

Dividing long scripts or using multiple presenters


Enter a description or name for the marker in the Comment field

sequence of keystrokes that you can use to jump to this marker position

while the script is being prompted

If an inappropriate key sequence is selected, the dialog box will show this.

When you have entered a comment and valid shortcut click OK and the marker will

The number in the first column of the list refers to the relative position of a marker in
the script. If you have two markers already and add another marker at a position
between them, the new marker will be numbered 2 and the

previous marker 2 will

If you use the same shortcut for two markers, the shortcut will only find the marker

© 2003-2010 Autocue Group Ltd.


d, the dialog box will show this.

OK and the marker will

The number in the first column of the list refers to the relative position of a marker in
the script. If you have two markers already and add another marker at a position

previous marker 2 will

If you use the same shortcut for two markers, the shortcut will only find the marker