Rockwell Automation 1000 Safety Lockout System User Manual

Page 23

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Publication 1000-UM001B-US-P - July 2000

SLS Sequence of Operation 4-3

F. If the SLS switch is moved back to the ON position the following will

1. The SLS switch contacts between the safety relay terminals S10 and

S11, and S21 and B2 will close to energize the safety relay. This
causes the safety contacts between terminals #13 and #14 between
wires #1 and #3 to close.
Note: The SLS switch contacts must close at approximately the same
time or the safety relay will lock up. This may denote an SLS switch
or cable failure. Also, the contacts IC and 1CR between terminals S41
and S42 must be closed or the safety relay will not energize. This may
indicate a failure of IC, 1CR, the SLS switch or the cable. Plus, safety
relay auxiliary contacts between terminals #33 and #34, and #43 and
#44 will close energizing 1CR.

2. Since 1SR between wires #4 and #5 is closed along with 1CR

between wires #3 and #4, and the safety relay SR output contacts
between terminals #13 and #14 are also closed, IC will close its
output power contacts.

3. The PVSR will detect a voltage and see that the circuit between

terminals Y4 and Y5 is open, causing the safety contacts between
terminals #13 and #14 PVSR to open.

4. All contacts in series with the SAFE light should now be open and

the SAFE light will now be off. The TB led between
wire #12 and – will be off.