Western Digital My Net AC1300 Router User Manual User Manual
Page 33

Maximum Idle Time
Number of minutes the connection can be idle; 0 (zero)
means the disconnection can last indefinitely.
DNS Mode
Method by which names are associated with IP
IPv6 Status Screen
View all Internet and network connection details related to the IPv6 Internet protocol.
IPv6 Connection Type
Can be Static IPv6, Auto (SLAAC/DHCPv6), PPPoE or
Link-local Only connection type to connect to your ISP.
IPv6 Default Gateway
The IPv6 address of the gateway device to which your
router is connected.
LAN IPv6 Link-Local Address
The LAN link-local IPv6 address of your router that is
assigned automatically.
IPv6 Address
IPv6 address of your computer on the IPv6 network.
Name (if any)
Name of the computer associated with the IPV6
IPv6 Screen
Purpose: Configure the IPv6 connection type and internal network settings of your router.
LAN IPv6 Address
Initial network address of your router. If you change it
here, you may need to change PC network settings to
access the network again.
Enable Automatic IPv6 address
Toggle to On to enable automatic IPv6 address
assignment to the computers and devices on your
Autoconfiguration Type
From the drop-down list, select the type of
autoconfiguration Options are SLAAC+RDNSS,
SLAAC+Stateless DHCP, and Stateful DHCPv6.
Router Advertisement Lifetime
Number of minutes an IP address can be advertised
(e.g., 30 minutes).
IPv6 Address Range (Start and Finish)
If automatic IPv6 address assignment is enabled, enter
the range of IPv6 addresses that can be assigned to
the computers and devices on your network.
IPv6 Address Lifetime
Enter the number of minutes an IP address should be
in effect.