Index – Brother 4000CN User Manual

Page 182

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2 T r a y M o d u le .................................................

7 -1 1 , A -1


A la r m in d ic a to r ........................................................

5 -2

A la r m In d ic a to r ......................................................

6 -2 2

A la r m la m p ...............................................................

6 -3

A u to L o g P r in t ..........................................................

5 -9

A u to m a tic D u p le x P r in tin g .....................................

4 -5


B a sis W e ig h t ............................................................

5 -1 1

B u tto n A .....................................................................

3 -1

B u tto n B .....................................................................

3 -1

B u tto n s .......................................................................

5 -4


C a n c e l P r in tin g .......................................................

3 -1 3

C o lo r R e g iC o r r e c t ...................................................

5 -1 1

C o n su m a b le s ............................................................

A -2

C o n tr o l p a n el.............................................................

3 -1

C o v e r O p e n in d ic a to r ..............................................

5 -2


D e n sity S e n so r .........................................................

6 -2 4


E C P m o d e ................................................................

5 -1 2

E r r o r A la r m ..............................................................

5 -8

E r r o r M e ssa g e .........................................................

6 -1 7

E th e r n e t ...................................................................

5 -1 3

E th e r n e t In te rfa c e C o n n e c to r .................................

3 -2

E x h a u st G r ille ....................................................

3 -1 , 3 -2


F a c e D o w n T r a y ........................................................

3 -1

F a d e d p r in to u ts .........................................................

6 -8

F r o n t C o v e r ...............................................................

3 -1

F u se r C a r tr id g e ........................................................

3 -3


G a te w a y A d d r e ss ....................................................

5 -1 4


H a r d D isk .................................................................

A -1

H e lp ..........................................................................

3 -1 0


ID P r in t .......................................................................

5 -9

In it N V M ........................................................

5 -1 0 , 5 -1 6

IP A d d r e ss ......................................................

5 -1 3 , 5 -1 4

IP F ilte r ....................................................................

5 -1 6

IP X F r a m e T y p e ......................................................

5 -1 4


J o b T im e o u t ...............................................................

5 -9


L E D .............................................................................

5 -2


M a c in to sh ...................................................................

6 -6

M e n u b u tto n ..............................................................

5 -4

M e n u sc r e e n ...............................................................

5 -3

M u lti-p u r p o se T r a y .................................

3 -1 , 4 -1 9 , 7 -3


N e tw o r k ....................................................................

6 -1 5


O p tio n s ............................................................

3 -1 6 , A -1


P a n e l L a n g u a g e .........................................................

5 -9

P a n e l S ettin g s...........................................................

5 -1 2

P a p e r ja m s ...............................................................

6 -1 3

P a p e r M e te r ...............................................................

3 -1

P a p e r S to p p e r ............................................................

3 -1

P a p e r T r a y ..................................................

3 -1 , 4 -8 , 7 -4

P a r a lle l In te rfa c e C o n n e c to r ...................................

3 -2

P C L 6 F o n t L ist ........................................................

5 -1 2

P o w e r ..........................................................................

6 -2

P o w e r C o r d C o n n e c to r ............................................

3 -2

P o w e r S a v e T im e .......................................................

5 -7

P o w e r S w itc h .............................................................

3 -1

P r in t H e a d C a r tr id g e ...............................

3 -3 , 8 -5 , A -2

P r in t Q u a lity ..............................................................

6 -7

P r in te r D r iv e r ....................................................

2 -1 , 2 -3

P r in te r S e ttin g s ........................................................

5 -1 2

P r o to c o l ......................................................................

1 -9


R e a d y in d ic a to r .........................................................

5 -2

R e a d y la m p ................................................................

6 -3