Application guide – USG Ceiling True Wood User Manual
Page 29

delivery, Storage, and Handling
B. Inspection: Promptly inspect delivered materials, file freight claims for damage during
shipment, and order replacement materials as required. Any damaged materials shall
be promptly removed from the job site.
C. Storage: Store in manner that will prevent warpage, water damage, or damage
of any kind. Prevent interference to/by other trades and any other adverse job
conditions due to storage locations or methods.
D. Handling: Handle in such a manner as to ensure against racking, distortion, or physical
damage of any kind.
Quality assurance
A. Subcontractor qualifications: Installer shall have not less than three years of
successful experience in the installation of ceiling suspension systems on projects
with requirements similar to requirements specified.
B. Requirements of regulatory agencies: Codes and regulations of authorities
having jurisdiction.
C. Delete paragraph below if not required. If retaining, indicate location, size, and
other details of mockups on Drawings or by inserts. Revise wording if only one
mockup is required.
D. Source quality control: Manufacturer will provide test certification for ceiling system
as required to meet industry performance standards specified by various agencies.
E. Delete below if work of this Section is not extensive or complex enough to justify
a preinstallation conference. If retaining, coordinate with Division 1 Section
"Project Meetings."
F. Pre-installation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with
requirements in Division 1 Section "Project Meetings."
Project Conditions
A. Building conditions: Building shall be enclosed with all windows and exterior doors in
place and glazed, and the roof watertight before installation of suspension system.
B. Interior temperature/humidity in building: Climatic conditions in areas to receive
ceiling suspension systems shall range from 60°F (16°C) to 85°F (29°C) and relative
humidity of not more than 55% shall be maintained before installation of components.
extra Materials
A. Furnish extra materials described below that match products installed and that are
packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing
a. Ceiling Panels: Furnish quantity of full-size units equal to _______ % of amount
Products and Manufacturers
A. True Wood ceiling panels:
a. PART 1 - True Wood ceiling panels will be made with a [veneer species] face
veneer, [veneer cut] [veneer match], applied to a 3/4" thick core material. The edge
treatment on the True Wood panels shall be the [selected style]. The standard
True Wood ceiling panel shall be 3/4" thick and [selected size] (nominal). Wood
is a natural product that will undergo changes with variations in the environment.
Therefore, all dimension tolerances shall be ± 1/8".