Installation – USG Levelrock Floor Underlayment Finished Floor User Manual
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Laminated Hardwood and
engineered Wood Flooring
Follow the Surface Requirements instructions
to prepare the underlayment . Underlayment
dryness is critical for wood floor coverings .
Make sure all critical areas are tested for
dryness using the Protimeter moisture meter .
Follow wood floor-covering manufacturer’s
recommendations for maximum moisture
levels .
Mechanical Attachment
Follow and adhere to floor goods
manufacturer’s general and installation
recommendations .
Floating Floors
Follow and adhere to floor goods
manufacturer’s general and installation
recommendations .
Solid Wood Flooring
Follow the Surface Requirements instructions
to prepare the underlayment . Underlayment
dryness is critical for wood floor coverings .
Make sure all critical areas are tested for
dryness using the Protimeter moisture meter .
Follow wood floor-covering manufacturer’s
recommendations for maximum moisture
levels .
Mechanical Attachment
Attach flooring based on installation
recommendations from the National Oak
Flooring Manufacturers Association, Inc .
(NOFMA) . Refer to the Sweet’s Catalog
section 09550/NAT and National Wood
Flooring Association recommendations .
Sheet vinyl and vinyl
composition Tiles
Follow the Surface Requirements instructions
to prepare the underlayment . As a general
rule, prior to application of the vinyl, the
moisture level on the floor should be less than
1%, as measured in a variety of locations
throughout the underlayment surface using
a Protimeter moisture meter . However, the
vinyl floor manufacturer’s recommendations
will always supercede the recommendations
provided here . Carefully follow and adhere to
floor goods manufacturer’s recommendations .
Prior to installation, conduct a sample test to
confirm bond compatibility .
ceramic, Quarry and Marble Tile
When a sound reduction mat is present,
USG recommends using a crack isolation
membrane such as D
tile membrane,
or a product intended for this use and
warranted by its manufacturer .
Movement Joints.
Follow and adhere to
expansion joint requirements found in the
Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation under
EJ171 specification . Contact the Tile Council
of America (TCA) at (864) 646-8453 or
tileusa .com for a copy of the handbook .
Decorative Floors
, Q
and Q
Gray floor underlayments are the only
recommended underlayments for use with
an approved decorative floor coating . When
combined with a suitable coating system,
these underlayments may be stained or
used by themselves as a finished floor . It is
the coatings manufacturer’s responsibility
to determine the correct product, system
and surface preparation for use over these
underlayments .
radiant Heat Systems
Adhere to the Radiant Panel Association
(RPA) Guidelines for Hydronic Radiant Floor
Heating regarding temperature and fluid
temperatures . See radiantpanelassociation .
org for detailed information . Fluid
temperatures of radiant systems shall not
exceed 140 °F at the exit of the heating
device . To limit risk of injury, floor
temperatures shall not exceed 110 °F in
general and shall be limited to 85 °F in areas
of direct contact by building occupants . Start
up of radiant systems shall be in accordance
with manufacturers’ and RPA recommended
start-up procedures . To minimize any
potential of shocking the L
heat flooring product, the radiant heat
system should be ramped up slowly over
several days until the underlayment is
fully dry . However, the radiant heat system
manufacturer’s recommendations for startup
procedure will take precedence .
The temperature of the radiant heat system
should be lowered when applying any
adhesive and floor covering . Allow thin-set
mortar to cure at least 7 days before turning
on hydronic or electric heating systems to
allow the material to hydrate adequately .
Floor-covering Installation for
radiant Heat Systems
carpet and Pad
Select a tackless system and install .
Achieve appropriate heat transfer by using
a low-R-value carpet cushion . Be careful
not to puncture radiant heating tubes with
tack nails when mechanically installing the
tackless strip . An adhesive attachment of
tackless strip is preferred .
Laminated Hardwood and engineered
Wood Flooring
These flooring systems are ideal with radiant
heat systems . The systems are very stable
and resist expansion and contraction while
improving the overall performance of radiant
systems . Follow and adhere to floor goods
manufacturer’s adhesive recommendations .
Laminated Hardwood.
During adhesive and
floor installation, lower the temperature of
the radiant heat system . Higher temperatures
may adversely affect the working properties
of the adhesive .