The key fob – Unisteer Ididit Keyless Ignition User Manual
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Key FOB’s represent the latest
innovation in security technology.
Each Key FOB is completely unique,
with over 6 billion different code
combinations. FOBs can be switched
to operate in either
Automatic or
manual modes giving you complete
control of how and when the system
arms and disarms. Key FOBs have 3 adjustable range level settings and
include a two stage low battery indicator.
Function of buttons:
There are two buttons on the
fob, each of these has different
Button 1: This is a remote
function that can be used to perform
an auxilary function. To use this
button push and hold the button
until the desired action takes place.
This can be either a momentary
function or a latching function. This
is currently set up as a momentary signal, but it can be changed in the feature
select mode.
Button 2: This button is used to authorize the ignition system when in
Manual mode. Button 2 is also used when programming new FOB’s.
Being able to select whether the Key FOB operates in Manual or Automatic
mode allows you to control what features YOU want to operate at a car show
while still keeping your vehicle completely protected.
Key FOBs are powered by an easily replaceable extended life lithium battery
that typically lasts one year. Up to 5 unique Key FOBs can be programmed into
each system, additionally a single Key FOB can be programmed into multiple
vehicles allowing its user to operate all his / her vehicles, motorcycles, boats
or other toys by carrying just one Key FOB. Ruggedly made from high impact
material, Key FOBs reliably perform first time every time.
Key FOB Batteries:
Key FOBs are powered by long life CR2030 Lithium disk battery that provides
a typical life of 1 year+. Battery replacement is simple and replacement
batteries are available at most drug stores.