Ez installation – Unisteer Ididit Keyless Ignition User Manual

Page 17

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• with Ignition Switch “OFF” test and locate the wire that supplies +12v to

the Ignition Switch.

• Next, Turn the key to the “Start / Crank” position and test and locate the

wire that gets hot during crank and supplies power to your starter sole-


• Remove your vehicles “Main” power fuse or disconnect power from the


• Cut the +12v and Start /Crank wires and make connections as shown.
• Securely attach the systems Ground wire to a FACTORY CHASSIS


• Mount and connect the systems “Start Button”

This installation is popular for newer cars with locking steering columns and

hard to access ignition switches. It assumes you will be leaving a “Cut” key in

the ignition switch and keeping it in the ON position. This will keep the steer-

ing column free and allows control of the ignition switch by cutting only the

Ignition Feed wire and Start wire. This simple installation cuts just two wires

and uses the existing Ignition switch to distribute power to all the vehicle sys-

tems except the start wire. Your Key to Keyless simply “controls” the power

going to the switch and the starter.


(For newer vehicles with locking steering columns)

“Chip” in the key:

This method of installation also can provide a EZ solution to vehicles with a “Chip” in the key.

After cutting the head off the key shaft, the head can usually be attached below or behind the

Ignition switch where the factory anti-theft system will read it just as though it were in normal use.

Red or Orange

Refer to pg 12 for “Accessory Harness” Plug location