Operating instructions, Do not remove this instruction plate – Regency Liberty L390EB Medium Gas Insert User Manual

Page 45

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L390E-2 / HZI390E-2 Direct Vent Gas Insert



Operating instructiOns

cOpy OF ligHting instructiOn plate

nOrMal Operating

sounds oF

gas appliances

It is possible that you will hear some sounds from
your gas appliance. This is perfectly normal due to
the fact that there are various gauges and types
of steel used within your appliance. Listed below
are some examples. All are

normal operating

sounds and should not be considered as defects
in your appliance.

Regency gas appliances use high tech blowers
to push heated air farther into the room. It is not
unusual for the fan to make a "whirring" sound
when ON. This sound will increase or decrease
in volume depending on the speed setting of your
fan speed control.

burner tray:
The burner tray is positioned directly under the
burner tube(s) and logs and is made of a different
gauge material from the rest of the firebox and
body. Therefore, the varying thicknesses of steel will
expand and contract at slightly different rates which
can cause "ticking" and "cracking" sounds. You
should also be aware that as there are temperature
changes within the unit these sounds will likely
re-occur. Again, this is normal for steel fireboxes.

blower thermodisc:
When this thermally activated switch turns ON it will
create a small "clicking" sound. This is the switch
contacts closing and is normal.

pilot flame:
While the pilot flame is on it can make a very slight
"whisper" sound.

gas control valve:
As the gas control valve turns ON and OFF, a
dull clicking sound may be audible, this is normal
operation of a gas regulator or valve.

unit body/firebox:
Different types and thicknesses of steel will expand
and contract at different rates resulting in some
"cracking" and "ticking" sounds will be heard
throughout the cycling process.


Part #: 918-628

Rev: B

Colours: Black on Grey, except

for parts indicated as being


Size: 100%

w- 5.16"

h- 9.97"

July 17/09: Added french

Feb. 18/10:

Revised instructions

A) This appliance is equipped with an ignition device which automatically lights the pilot.

Do not try to light the pilot by hand.
B) BEFORE OPERATING smell all around the appliance area for gas. Be sure to smell next to the fl oor

because some gas is heavier than air and will settle on the fl oor.


- Do not try to light any appliance.

- Do not touch any electric switch, do not use any phone in your building.

- Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbours phone. Follow the gas supplier’s instructions.

- If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fi re department.

C) Do not use this appliance if any part has been under water. Immediately call a qualifi ed service

technician to inspect the appliance and replace any part of the control system and any

gas control which has been underwater.
A) Cet appareil est muni d’un dispositif d’allumage qui allume automatiquement la veilleuse.

Ne tentez pas d’allumer la veilleuse manuellement.
B) AVANT DE FAIRE FONCTIONNER, renifl ez tout autour de l’appareil pour déceler une odeur

de gaz. Renifl ez près du plancher, car certains gaz sont pluslourds que l’air et peuvent

s’accumuler au niveau du sol.


• Ne pas tenter d’allumer d’appareil

• Ne touchez à aucun interrupteur; ne pas vous servir des téléphones se trouvant dans le


• Appelez immédiatement votre fournisseur de gaz depuis un voisin. Suivez les

instructions du fournisseur.

• Si vous ne pouvez rejoindre le fournisseur, appelez le service des incendies
C) N’utilisez pas cet appareil s’il a été plongé dansl’eau, même partiellement. Faites inspecter l’appareil par un tech-

nicien qualifi é et remplacez toute partie du système de contrôle et toute commande qui ont été plongés dans l’eau.



This appliance must be installed in accordance with local codes, if any;

if none, follow the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54, or

Natural Gas and Propane Installation Codes, CSA B149.1.

CAUTION: Hot while in operation. Do not touch. Severe Burns may result. Due to high surface

temperatures keep children, clothing and furniture, gasoline and other liquids having fl ammable

vapors away. Keep burner and control compartment clean. See installation and operating

instructions accompanying appliance.

WARNING: If you do not follow these instructions exactly, a fire or explosion may result

causing property damage, personal injury or loss of life. Improper installation, adjustment,

alteration, service or maintenance can cause injury or property damage. Refer to the owner’s

information manual provided with this appliance. For assistance or additional information

consult a qualified installer, service agency or gas supplier.

AVERTISSEMENT. Quiconque ne respecte pas à la lettre les instructions dans la présente notice

risquede déclencher un incendie ou une explosion entraînant des dommages, des blessures ou

la mort.

Une installation, d'ajustement, de modifi cation, de service ou d'entretien peut provoquer

des blessures ou des dommages matériels. Reportez-vous au manuel du propriétaire de

l'information fournie avec cet appareil. Pour obtenir de l'aide ou des informations supplémen-

taires consulter un installateur qualifi é, une agence de service ou fournisseur de gaz.

1) Turn on ON/OFF switch

2) After approximately 4 seconds the spark ignition system will spark for 60 seconds to light the main


3) The unit will turn on.

Note: The fi rst attempt to ignition will last approximately 60 seconds. If there is no fl ame ignition (rectifi ca-

tion) the board will stop sparking for approximately 35 seconds. After this wait time, the board will start a

second try for ignition by sparking for approximately 60 seconds. If there is still no positive ignition after the

second attempt the board will go into lock out.

The system will need to be reset as follows (after going into lock out mode):

a) Wait 5 minutes - turn the system off using ON/OFF switch.

b) After approximately 2 seconds turn on ON/OFF switch or press ON/OFF button if using optional


c) Unit will repeat step 2.

1) Appuyez le bouton ON / OFF

2) Attendre 4 secondes. Le système d’allumage produira des étincelles pendant 60 secondes afi n d’amorcer

le brûleur principal.

3) Les fl ammes s’allumeront.

Remarque : Au premier allumage, le système tente d’allumer les fl ammes pendant 60 secondes. Si l’essai est

infructueux, le système fait une pause de 35 secondes. C’est ce qu'on appelle l'étape de rectifi cation. Ce délai

écoulé, le système tente à nouveau d'allumer les fl ammes en produisant des étincelles pendant 60 secondes.

Si les fl ammes ne s’allument toujours pas, le système se met en mode verrouillage.

Il faut alors le réinitialiser en suivant les étapes ci-dessous (pour le déverrouiller) :

a) Attendre 5 minutes et éteindre l’appareil en réglant l’interrupteur à la position « OFF »;

b) Attendre 2 secondes et rallumer le système à l’aide de l’interrupteur ou de la télécommande.

c) L'unité répétera l'étape 2.


Turn off ON/OFF switch


If service is to be performed - you must disconnect power to the unit, from the battery pack, refer to



Appuyez sur le bouton ON / OFF


Si le service est effectuée, vous devez débrancher l'appareil, du bloc-piles, voir le manuel d'instruction

pour plus de détails.



This manual is related to the following products: