Scanning barcodes, Deleting the database file from the barcode reader, Format – Opticon PX 20 v37938 Batch demo Quick Guide User Manual
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5 Scanning barcodes
This demo application uses the trigger button to enable the scan engine to scan barcodes.
If a barcode is read using the trigger key and is successfully read, a good-read beep is sounded and a green good-
read LED is shown. The barcode is then stored in the database with a quantity of '1'. If the same barcode is scanned
again the quantity is incremented by one, if quantity is an enabled field in the barcode database output format.
To decrement the quantity of a barcode that's already in the database the barcode should be read using the small
delete key. A short good read beep is sounded and an orange good-read LED is shown.
If a barcode is scanned using the delete key that isn't present in the database, or that already has a quantity of '0', a
low error beep is sounded and a red LED is shown.
Negative quantities are not supported by default, but when using the 'Negative quantities' option (see Appendix A) it
is possible to scan negative quantities of barcodes. When a specific barcode has a negative quantity the LED color
changes from green (add) or orange (subtract) to red on a good read and the sound becomes slightly lower.
6 Deleting the database file from the barcode reader
It is possible that your barcode reader may become full, have a corrupt flash disk, or contain unwanted barcode data
that you no longer need and wish to delete. In these situations it is possible to read the label below to erase all files
from the flash disk.*
When using the barcode reader in USB-MSD mode, then it’s also possible to delete the files manually using a file
browser. Make sure you delete all 3 files when doing so.
You can also delete all the files on the flash disk by holding the clear key (small square button) for 10 seconds. This
option is disabled by default; see Appendix A for codes to toggle this option on and off.
* Note: If the batteries of the barcode readers go dry, then the barcode readers don’t lose their barcode data.
However it is possible that the internal clocks will be reset if the batteries are completely drained. This requires the
correct time to be reconfigured using Appload.