Lenze PMSS1000 Simple Servo User Manual
Indexing digital servo drive programmer's manual
Table of contents
Document Outline
- 1. Getting Started
- 2.Programming
- 2.1Introduction
- 2.2User Variables
- 2.3Arithmetic's
- 2.4Logical expressions and operators
- 2.5Bitwise operators
- 2.6Boolean Operators
- 2.7Comparison operators
- 2.8Summary of User Variables
- 2.9System Variables and Flags
- 2.10System Variables and Flags Summary
- 2.12Scanned Event Statements
- 2.13Motion
- 2.14System Status Register (DSTATUS register)
- 2.15Fault Codes (DFAULTS register)
- 2.16Limitations and restrictions
- 3.Language Reference
- KEYWORDLong NameType
- ASSIGNAssign Input As Index BitStatement
- DEFINEDefine namePseudo-statement
- DISABLETurns servo OFFStatement
- DO UNTILDo/UntilStatement
- ENABLEEnables servo Statement
- END END program Statement
- EVENTStarts Event handlerStatement
- ENDEVENTEnd of Event handler Statement
- EVENT ON/OFFTurn events on or off Statement
- EVENTS ON/OFFGlobally Enables/disables events Statement
- FAULTUser generate fault Statement
- GEAR ON/OFFGearing Mode Statement
- GOTOGo To Statement
- GOSUBGo to subroutine Statement
- HALTHalt the program execution Statement
- ICONTROL ON/OFFEnables interface control Statement
- IFIf/Then/Else Statement
- MOVEMove Statement
- MOVEDMoveDistance Statement
- MOVEPMoveto Position Statement
- MOVEDRRegistered Distance Move Statement
- MOVEPRRegistered Position Move Statement
- MDVSegment Move Statement
- MOTION SUSPEND Suspend Statement
- MOTION RESUME Resume Statement
- ON FAULT/ENDFAULTOn Fault Statement
- REGISTRATION ON Registration OnStatement
- RESUME Resume Statement
- RETURN Return from subroutineStatement
- SEND/SENDTO Send network variable(s) value Statement
- STOP MOTION [QUICK]Stop MotionStatement
- VELOCITY ON/OFFVelocity Mode Statement
- WAITWait Statement
- WHILE/ENDWHILEWhile Statement