Instrument description – JUMO 706581 LOGOSCREEN nt Data Sheet User Manual
Page 6

Data Sheet 70.6581
JUMO GmbH & Co. KG • 36035 Fulda, Germany
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Instrument description
The paperless recorder is built to a modular
design. The basic type consists of a PSU
board (incl. relays) and a CPU board (incl.
Ethernet and RS232/RS485 interfaces and
an RS232 interface for barcode reader and
USB interface connection).
Module slots 1, 2 and 3 can be fitted with
input modules, each with 6 analog inputs
or 3 analog inputs and 8 binary inputs/
outputs. Alternatively, module slot 3 can be
fitted with a relay module that has 6 relays.
Optionally, the PSU board can be equipped
with a PROFIBUS-DP interface.
Data recording
Measurements are acquired continuously
in a 125msec sampling cycle. Based on
these measurements, reports are compiled
and limits checked.
The measurements are transferred to the
main memory of the instrument, according
to the programmable storage cycle and
stored value (maximum, minimum,
average, min&max, instantaneous value or
economy mode).
The paperless recorder saves the data in
groups, and an input can be assigned to
several groups (maximum
Main memory (SRAM)
The data stored in the SRAM are regularly
copied to the internal memory in 20 kbyte
Internal memory
When a block in the main memory has
been filled, it is copied to the internal
memory. The internal memory has a
capacity of max. 256 Mbytes.
Every write action is monitored, so that any
errors in saving the data can be
immediately identified.
The instrument monitors the capacity of
the internal memory and activates one of
CompactFlash memory card
and USB interfaces behind
housing door.
Control knob, to rotate
and press.
the "memory alarm" signals when the
capacity falls below the configurable
residual capacity level. These signals can
be used, for instance, to operate the alarm
The memory is written as a ring memory,
i. e. when the memory is full, the oldest
data are automatically overwritten by the
new data.
Data from the internal memory can be
shown as a history presentation on the
recorder. The size of the history memory
can be configured.
Data transfer to the PC
Data transfer from the paperless recorder
to a PC is made by means of the external
CompactFlash memory card (not available
with stainless steel front), the USB memory
stick or via one of the interfaces (USB
device, RS232, RS485, Ethernet).
Data security
The data are stored in coded form in a
proprietary format. This ensures a high
level of data security.
If the paperless recorder is disconnected
from the supply, then:
RAM and clock time are buffered by a
lithium battery (ex-factory)
10 years
or with a storage capacitor
2 days
(ambient temperature -40 to +45 °C),
measurement and configuration data in
the internal memory will not be lost.
Recording duration
Depending on the configuration of the
instrument, the duration of the recording
can vary over a considerable range (from a
few days up to several months).
For each channel of a group, a report
(maximum/minimum/average or integrator)
can be run over defined periods.
Batch reports
Up to three batch reports can be created
simultaneously in the recorder. The
measurement data, start, end and duration
of each batch can be displayed together
with a batch counter and freely definable
texts, both on the recorder and within the
PC Evaluation Software PCA3000.
On request, a barcode reader can be used
to start batches and read in batch texts.
Limit checkline
changeover of operating mode
Over/underlimit conditions trigger alarms.
An alarm can be used, for instance, as a
control signal for changing over the
operating mode.
The storage cycle and stored value can be
configured separately for all three
operating modes.
With the help of the alarm delay function,
brief occurrences or over/underlimit
conditions can be filtered out, with the
result that no alarm is generated.
Normal operation
If the instrument is not in timed or event
operation, normal operation is active.
Event operation
Event operation is activated/deactivated
by a control signal (binary input, group/
combination alarm, ...). As long as the
control signal is active, the instrument is in
event operation.
Timed operation
Timed operation is active on a daily basis
within a programmable time period. The
operating modes have different priorities.
27 additional internal channels are
available for use as counters, integrators,
operating time counters or for flow
These counters are controlled through the
binary inputs, the alarms, or via the logic
channels. The analog channels can be
used for the integrators.
The numerical indication is shown in a
separate window, with a maximum of 9
digits. The acquisition period can be
selected as: periodic, daily, weekly,
monthly, yearly as well as external, total
(overall count) or daily from ... to.
A maximum of 6 binary inputs are available
as high-speed counters with a 10 kHz
sampling cycle rate.
Math/logic module
(extra code)
The module for math and logic (18
channels each) enables, for instance, the
combination of analog channels with one
another, and also the combination of
analog channels with counters and binary
inputs. The operators available for
formulae are: +, -, *, /, SQRT(), MIN(),
MAX(), SIN(), COS(), TAN(), **, EXP(), ABS(),
INT(), FRC(), LOG(), LN(), humidity, moving
average or !, &, |, ^, as well as ( and ).
The math and logic module can only be
configured through the setup program.