HiRO H50212 User Manual
Page 73

User’s Guide
Configuring your Computers
Select the SSID
There are 4 types of security to be selected. To secure
your WLAN, it’s strongly recommended to enable this
WEP: Make sure that all wireless devices on your
network are using the same encryption level and key.
Click Set WEP Key button to set the encryption key.
(AES): WPA/WPA2, also known as 802.11i, uses
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) for data
encryption. AES utilized a symmetric 128-bit block data
WAP2 Mixed: The AP supports WPA and WPA2 for
data encryption. The actual selection of the encryption
methods will depend on the clients.
Set WEP Key
Configure the WEP Key
Use 802.1x
Check it to enable 802.1x authentication. This option is
selectable only when the “Encryption” is choose to
either None or WEP. If the “Encryption” is WEP, you
need to further select the WEP key length to be either
WEP 64bits or WEP 128bits.
There are 2 types of authentication mode for WPA.
WPA-RADIUS: WPA RADIUS uses an external
RADIUS server to perform user authentication. To use
WPA RADIUS, enter the IP address of the RADIUS
server, the RADIUS port (default is 1812) and the
shared secret from the RADIUS server. Please refer to
“Authentication RADIUS Server” setting below for
RADIUS setting. The WPA algorithm is selected
between TKIP and AES, please refer to “WPA cipher
Suite” below.
Pre-Shared Key: Pre-Shared Key authentication is
based on a shared secret that is known only by the
parties involved. To use WPA Pre-Shared Key, select
key format and enter a password in the “Pre-Shared
Key Format” and “Pre-Shared Key” setting
respectively. Please refer to “Pre-Shared Key Format”
and “Pre-Shared Key” setting below.
Pre-Shared Key
PassPhrase: Select this to enter the Pre-Shared Key
secret as user-friendly textual secret.
Hex (64 characters): Select this to enter the Pre-
Shared Key secret as hexadecimal secret.
Pre-Shared Key
Specify the shared secret used by this Pre-Shared
Key. If the “Pre-Shared Key Format” is specified as
PassPhrase, then it indicates a passphrase of 8 to 63
bytes long; or if the “Pre-Shared Key Format” is
specified as PassPhrase, then it indicates a 64-
hexadecimal number.
If the WPA-RADIUS is selected at “WPA
Authentication Mode”, the port (default is 1812), IP
address and password of external RADIUS server are
specified here.