EZWatch EZ-TRACK-DOME User Manual

Page 5

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Dome Settings 1 Submenu

This sub-menu is used to control camera behavior and configure features of the camera. It
has 7 sub-menus and one setting. The only setting that is itself on the main submenu is
the ‘Presets number’ setting – allowing you to set the maximum number of presets to 40,
64, or 256.

Dome Settings 1 -> Camera Submenu

This submenu controls certain camera capabilities. It consists of two settings and one
more submenu. The settings are:

Digital Zoom – If turned on, the camera can digitally zoom beyond the normal 18x range.
Please note that the image quality may decrease when zoomed in beyond the normal 18x.

Back Light Comp – If turned on enables the Back Light Compensation feature. This
feature is useful for improving visibility when the background light is very bright.

Dome Settings 1 -> Camera -> Program AE Mode

This submenu controls the Automatic Exposure settings, or how the camera reacts to
different levels of light. The settings within this menu are for advanced users who
understand exactly how the camera reacts to extremely specific lighting conditions and
understand how changing the camera’s Iris opening time affects the image produced
under those specific conditions. Changing the camera options may have adverse effects
upon the camera’s frame rate, the quality of the image, how bright/dark the image is, or
other similar concerns. In other words, change these settings at your own risk.

AE Mode – This mode controls how the exposure is handled. Automatic allows the
camera to automatically open/close the iris to control the amount of light that’s let in. The
‘Auto’ setting is ideal for 99.9% of all applications. Other settings include ‘Shutter’
(Which allows manual control over the IRIS opening time), ‘Iris’ (Which allows manual
control over how wide the iris opens), ‘Manual’ which allows full control over the Speed
and opening size of the iris as well as the Automatic Gain Control, and ‘Bright’ which
allows for a different algorithm for controlling the Iris.

Low Light Mode – Auto allows the camera to control the low light mode, while Manual
allows the user to configure the Low Light limit.

Low Light Limit – Selects the maximum amount of time that the iris is open when in
‘low light’ mode. Adjusting this could adversely affect the frame rate of the camera.

Iris Level – Selects the amount of time that the iris is open when in normal mode.
Adjusting this could adversely affect the frame rate of the camera.