EZWatch EZ-TRACK-DOME User Manual
EZWatch Camcorders

Configuration and Installation
Before installing the camera, you must ensure the camera is configured properly. The
camera communication settings must be configured the same as your controller – If using
an EZ Watch Pro 4.0 TRP-C08 module, an Armor-Pro DVR, or the
AU40E/AU40Z/AU40M joystick controllers then it is recommended that the camera be
set to the ‘Pelco-P’ Protocol and the 9600 baud speed. If you are not using any of those
controllers then please refer to your controller manual to determine what protocols and
speeds the controller supports.
To set the protocol and speed of the camera, remove the camera from its housing. To do
so, press in on either of the retaining levers on the side of the camera (The levers are
located inside of the housing), and angle the camera away from the lever you depressed.
The camera should slide free.
At the base of the camera are two banks of dip switches, each with 8 switches. Switch 1
controls the Protocol and Baud Rate, Switch 2 controls the camera number. For the
‘Pelco-P’ protocol, 9600 baud rate flip switches #2 and #7 to the ‘on’ position, and leave
the rest off. For the camera identifier, flip the switches on the 2
bank to the camera
position that corresponds to the table in the appendix at the end of this guide (SEE
NOTE). Protocols Pelco-P and Pelco-D are recommended; other protocols may not
support all functions.
NOTE – The address assigned to this camera must always be one lower than the address
on your monitor/dvr for the camera to respond properly. If the camera is set as camera #1
on your recorder, then you must address the camera as number 0!
Connect the camera power connector to the included power supply. If you need to extend
power, then you must use 12VDC pigtails to extend it. Connect the BNC Video output to
a recorder or monitor, and connect the control lines to the camera controller. The camera
must be connected to an RS485 connector; the Red wire is the RS485 +, and the Black
wire is the RS485–. Connect these wires to the RS485 + and – jacks on your controller.
Power the camera on, and it should be ready for use.
Basic Camera Use
Once the EZ-TRACK camera has been connected and configured, controlling the unit
and entering in basic commands is done via joystick or PC interface.
Moving the camera around is done by tilting the joystick in the direction you wish the
camera to move. With a proportional PTZ controller (models AU40Z and AU40M only!),
the angle of tilt adjusts the camera’s rotation speed (Slight tilt is slow, large tilt is fast).
Zooming in and out can be done using the Wide (Zoom Out) and Tele (Zoom In) buttons
on the joystick, or in the case of the AU40Z or AU40M controllers can also be accessed
by rotating the joystick left (Zoom Out) or right (Zoom In).