EZWatch EZ-TRACK-DOME User Manual

Page 10

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Enable Password – This controls if the password is turned on or not. If the password is
turned on, then the password must be entered to be able to access the configuration menu.
When the menu is opened a password entry field will be displayed.

Edit Password – This allows entry of a password. The new password may be up to 10
digits long, maximum. The password will need to be entered twice to ensure no typos or
mistakes are made during entry.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be certain not to lose or forget the password, as you cannot
access the menu to disable the password or reset to factory defaults without it!

Dome Settings 2 -> Windows Blanking Submenu

To ensure privacy, this camera has a feature which allows you to ‘blank’ out an area to
prevent people from seeing in. This feature is called Windows Blanking. Up to eight
areas may be selected to be blanked out.

Style – This option allows you to select between two different kinds of window blanking,
Gray or Smear. Gray blanking produces an area which is entirely concealed by an opaque
color (Specified Below), while Smear simply blurs the area to a semi-transparent state
through which no details can be observed.

Blank All Above – This option allows you to blank out the upper portion of the frame

Blank All Below – This option allows you to blank out the lower portion of the frame

Set Windows – This option allows you to create a custom rectangular area to be blocked
out. Up to 8 areas may be blanked out and are defined (Or deleted) within this option.

Set Mask Color – This allows you to select what color is displayed in the blanked-out
area when set to the ‘Gray’ style. The colors are as follows:

0 – Black
1-6 – Grey (Dark to Light)
7 – White
8 – Red
9 – Green
10 – Blue
11 – Cyan
12 – Yellow
13 – Magenta

Dome Settings 2 -> Heater Submenu