Snapshots, Eos family v1.9 – ETC Eos Family v1.9.0 User Manual
Page 10

E T C S u p p l e m e n t
Eos Family v1.9
Eos Family v1.9 Operations Manual Supplement
Page 10
Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.
The CIA also repaints to display the available keywords and fixture types by which you can search.
These can be used in defining your query criteria.
As a query is defined in the command line, channels will be specified in the Live/Blind display.
When an [Enter] command is used to end the query, the remaining channels of the query will be
For Example:
You wish to find channels which are in color palette 2 and have an intensity of 50%:
In the Live/Blind display, any channels meeting this criteria will be selected.
You may use [Next] and [Last] to cycle through the query selection, one channel at a time
to control only a specific channel.
Other examples of using a query are:
• {Query} {Isn’t In} [Beam Palette] [2] [5] [Enter]
• {Query} {Luminaire} {Can Be} [Focus Palette] [8] [Enter]
• {Query} {Fixture Type} {Revolution} {Can Be} [Focus Palette] [6] {Isn’t In} [Cue] [4]
[Thru] [9] [Enter]
• [Next] [Next] [Enter] - selects one channel from the query result.
Additionally, in patch you can define up to four “query” keywords for each channel. These keywords
can be used to create a query condition as well. Buttons on the facepanel, such as [Time] can also
be used to construct a query.
Adding Keywords in Patch
If you plan on being able to query channels based on a keyword association, the keyword must be
defined in patch.
To enter a keyword for a channel:
Step 1:
Press [Displays].
Step 2:
Press {Patch}.
Step 3:
Press {Database}.
Step 4:
Select a channel or range of channels in the command line.
Step 5:
Select one of the {Text (1-4)} buttons in the CIA to specify which keyword you are
entering. A list of previously defined keywords will be posted. Select from these or
press {New Keyword}. A virtual alphanumeric keyboard will appear.
Step 6:
Type the keyword or words you wish to use.
Step 7:
When finished, press [Enter].
Once keywords have been created, they will appear in the keyword section of the CIA when a query
is performed.
Snapshots are record targets that store the current state of the Ion console and monitor
configuration. These can then be recalled to instantly reset the console and displays to the state
stored in the snapshot. You can choose which parts of the console and displays you wish to store
as a part of the snapshot.
N o t e :
Unless otherwise specified, Ion assumes that a query will apply to current output.
Therefore use of the {Is In} softkey is optional.