Sht2, Drawing view9, Drawing view13 – ERICO Bottom-Mount Duct Bracket, Narrow User Manual

Page 2: Drawing view14, Drawing view15, Drawing view18, Drawing view32, Detail view a (1 : 2)

background image

First, install two (2) self-drilling screws

(included) to side surface of each bracket

Second, install two (2) self-drilling

screws (included) on the bottom

surface of each bracket

No gap present if

bracket is pushed

toward side of duct

Gap present if

bracket is pushed

toward side of duct

Install four (4) self-drilling screws (included)

on the bottom surface of each bracket.

Previously installed duct

New duct

Step 3-3:

Complete duct joint for:

Flange connection


Slip & Drive connection.

Step 3-2:

Fine adjust duct height by wrench:

Clockwise = duct down

Counter-clockwise = duct up

Step 3-1:

Tighten lock nut

Step 4 (Option #2):

Install screws if gap is present on sides.

Step 4 (Option #1):

Install screws if no gap is present on sides.

Step 3:

Position duct for assembly




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