Despatch MIC1422 Controller User Manual
Page 5

1.1 General
This instrument is a microprocessor based single loop controller capable of measuring,
displaying and controlling temperature, pressure, flow, and level from a variety of
inputs. Most outputs are easily tuned using the instrument Pre-Tune and Auto-Tune, or
RaPID (Response assisted PID) functions.
Control functions, alarm settings and other parameters are easily entered through the
front keypad. E
Technology (100 year life) protects against data loss during AC power
The input is user configurable to directly connect to either thermocouple, RTD, mVDC,
VDC or mADC inputs. The instrument can operate from either a 90-264 VAC, 50/60 HZ
power supply, or optional 24V AC/DC power supply.
Standard features include:
Auto Tune
Alarm Functions
Auto/Manual Switching
Process Retransmission
Setpoint Retransmission
Setpoint Ramp Rate
Proportioning (Time or Current)/On-Off Control
Single On-Off Control
Single Time Proportioning Control
Single Current Proportioning
Optional features include:
Dual On-Off Control
Dual Time Proportioning
Dual Current Proportioning
Dual Setpoint
Remote Setpoint
Digital Communications
Alarm Outputs