CounterPath Bria Professional 2.5 Administrator Guide User Manual
Page 6
CounterPath Corporation
“default_user” (in lower case with the underscore) as the user name.
No password.
The login will fail because Bria Professional cannot detect a login server. The “skip login or enter server”
version of the Login dialog will appear (see below).
The user should click Skip. Bria Professional will start and the user can configure the softphone.
Figure 1: Initial Login Screen (left) and “Skip Login or Enter Server” Login Screen (right)
As soon as the user has set up an account, they should choose File > Preferences and display the Advanced
tab. In the Login Server section, choose “No login server is available” and click OK.
As a result of this procedure, Bria Professional is set up as follows:
When the user skips login at the first startup, a profile is created for “default_user”. The account
configuration and preferences (which the user will enter on your instructions), and the user’s local contact
list, call history, privacy list and so on are stored in this profile.
Switching to “No login server is available” instructs Bria Professional to skip login and to always use the
profile with the name “default_user”. The next time the user starts Bria Professional, no login screen