B.1 how dial plans are used, B.2 dial plan syntax – CounterPath Bria Professional 2.5 Administrator Guide User Manual
Page 47
Bria Professional Administrator Guide
B.1 How Dial Plans Are Used
When you make a call, Bria Professional takes the phone number (the input) and performs the following:
Input is cleaned up by removing spaces, dashes, open brackets, and close brackets. Cleanup allows Bria
Professional to support calls placed using contacts from a contact list, including Microsoft® Outlook®.
The input is compared to the patterns defined by the dial plan for each enabled account. Each account has one
dial plan, and each dial plan has one or more patterns.
When a match is found between the input and the pattern, the account that this pattern belongs to is selected
and the transformation for this pattern is performed.dial plan
If no match is found, the default account is selected and no transformation is performed.
For details on matching see “How the Input Is Processed” on page 45.
The selected transformation is performed.
Place Call
Then the call is placed using the transformed input.
B.2 Dial Plan Syntax
In Bria Professional, the dial plan establishes the expected patterns of characters for a telephone number or
softphone address, and allows for modification (transformation) of input based on the match to a pattern. The
dial plan has the following syntax:
Items in [ ] are optional.
Pattern: the pattern that will be matched. One or more patterns. Each pattern is separated by a | pipe. The
pipe is optional after the last pattern. Each pattern is implicitly numbered, starting from 1.
Match; Transformation: A pair that identifies the pattern number to compare with the input, and the
transformation to perform on the input when a match is obtained. The transformation is optional (meaning
that if there is no transformation for a pattern, then the input that matches this pattern is not transformed).
One or more pairs.
“match=” is a literal. “n” identifies the pattern. “transformation=” is replaced by a keyword, see below.
“value” is replaced by a value.
Spaces are allowed only in the
Remember that dial plans are applied after the input has been cleaned up (page 43)!