Check system • start-up burner/appliance, Model 601gas burner — instruction manual, Start-up & operation – Carlin 601GAS Inst Manual User Manual

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Model 601GAS burner — Instruction manual

Carlin part number MN601GAS Rev. 04/24/09

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Where appliance instructions differ from this manual, follow the appliance instructions.

Should overheating or an emergency occur, immediately:

• Shut off main manual gas valve.

• Shut off control switch to burner.

Under some circumstances power should remain on for
circulating blowers or other equipment. Determine proper
response before attempting start-up.

If burner fails ignition on several attempts, close gas valve
and use burner blower to purge appliance before restart.

4. Check system • start-up burner/appliance


Model 60200FR diagnostic LED’s

– Amber OFF

– Red OFF

– Green OFF

– Amber ON

– Red ON

– Green ON



– Amber BLINKING (blinks off momentarily every 3 to 4 seconds)

Please see 60200FR control label for trial for ignition (TFI)

and purge timings.

Start-up & operation

Do not start the burner if the combustion chamber

contains residual gas. Allow gas to disperse.

Per UL requirements, the control will not turn on if the

flame rod senses flame during the self-test. If the flame

rod senses flame, the green LED turns on. The control

will remain in self-test mode until the flame rod no

longer senses flame. The amber LED will remain on,

but blink off momentarily every 3 to 4 seconds.


The burner continues firing during call for heat if the

flame rod senses flame. Amber and red LED’s are off

and green LED is on during normal running.

Lockout If the flame rod does not sense flame within the TFI

time limit after gas valve activation, lockout occurs.

The control turns the red LED on constant, and closes

the alarm contact. Green LED is off.

To Reset Push in and hold reset button for 1 second, then re-


Latch-up If the control locks out 3 times during a single call for

heat, latch-up occurs. The control turns on both the

amber and red LED’s constant. You must use the special

procedure below to reset the control after latch-up.

Reset from latch-up — Only a qualified service

technician should attempt to reset the control

after latch-up. The problem that caused the re-

peated burner problems must be corrected before

returning the burner to normal operation.

Push in and hold the reset button for about 10 seconds.

The red and amber LED’s will flash alternately.

After the LED’s begin flashing, continue to hold the

reset button for about another 20 seconds. The LED’s

will turn off. Release the reset button and the control

will restart. (Releasing the button before the LED’s turn

off will cause the control to remain in latch-up.)

The 60200FR control will not reset from lockout or

latch-up if power is interrupted.

Flame failure If the flame rod loses flame signal during operation

(after the TFI), the red LED flashes. The gas valve

closes within 2 seconds. The motor remains on for the

post-purge period, then shuts off. Recycle: Control

waits for 65 seconds (with red LED flashing), then

begins again at Self-test 2. Red LED goes off .

(NOTE: Controls with non-recycle feature will

lock out on flame failure.)

Post-purge Set operating control(s) and limit(s) to stop call for

heat. The gas valve will turn off within 2 seconds.

The motor remains on for the post-purge period, then

turns off.


Control remains in stand-by mode until limit circuit

sends power to the black wire and thermostat circuit

closes (or jumpered) — (call for heat).

Power ON Open all manual gas line valves. Close the line switch.

(If Red LED turns on constant , control is in lockout.

See below to reset.)

Self-test 1 The control performs a “boot-up” test to verify internal

operation each time power is applied to the red/white

wire. About 4 seconds after power application, the

amber LED turns on. The test continues for about 6

more seconds. If the test fails, the control turns the

amber LED off and repeats this test sequence until



(No call for heat) If Self-test 1 is successful, amber LED

turns off and control waits for heat call.

Call for heat Set operating control and all limit controls to call for

heat. The 60200FR thermostat circuit must be closed

(jumpered) and power coming to black wire from lim-


Self-test 2 The amber LED turns on. For the first 3 to 4 seconds,

the control performs a self-test. If the flame rod senses

flame, the green LED turns on. The control repeats the

self-test until flame is no longer detected (green LED

would turn off). During this time, the amber LED will

remain on, but blink off momentarily every 3 to 4

seconds. If the control detects motor contacts closed

or power to the gas valve, lockout occurs.

Burner on

After the self-test, the amber LED turns off. The motor



The ignitor starts after the pre-purge period. Two

seconds later, the gas valve opens. The 2-second

delay (ignition establishment period) helps ensure a

stable spark is in place when the gas valve opens (to

compensate for sluggish response of some AC ignition



After gas valve opens, the flame rod must sense flame

within the TFI time limit (trial for ignition). The green

LED turns on at the end of the TFI if the flame rod

senses flame.