Warning, Ammco drum & disc brake lathes • 11 – AMMCO 4000E Drum and Disc Brake lathe User Manual

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AMMCO Drum & Disc Brake Lathes • 11

3. Install the safety shield. Review the cautions and

dangers section and the general safety information at
the beginning of this manual. The safety shield is easily
screwed onto the twin cutter in the threaded mounting
hole provided.

Always wear safety glasses or a face shield. Cutting
or grinding on an exposed surface such as a rotor
will produce flying chips and debris.

Figure 9 – Attach the Safety Shield

4. Adjust the spindle speed to match the rotor size.

Use the faster speeds for passenger car and most light
duty truck rotors. Choose lower speeds when machin-
ing medium duty and larger truck rotors and some solid
rotors. (Refer to the “Speed and Feed Reference
Chart” located on front of the lathe for suggested set-

Figure 10 – Adjust Spindle Speed

5. Make sure that the tool bits clear the rotor sur-

faces and the silencer band. Give the rotor a full turn by
hand and watch for clearance all the way around.

6. Turn the lathe ON.

7. Turn each tool bit control (the outer knurled knobs)

clockwise until the tool bits just contact the rotor surfaces.

8. When the tool bits make contact, rotate each of

the inner depth-of-cut collars to zero and back the tool
bits away from the rotor.

From this point on, all tool adjustments will be made

with the tool bit controls. Then inner depth-of-cut col-
lars will be the reference and should not be moved.

Figure 11 – Tool bit controls

9. Turn the cross feed handwheel until the tool bits

are at mid-point of the rotor face.

10. Turn the left hand tool bit control until the tool bit

contacts the rotor surface and makes a scratch cut.
After the cut is made, back the tool bits off and turn the
lathe OFF.

Figure 12 – First scratch cut

The scratch will usually appear as an incomplete cir-

cle. This is caused by runout or wobble due to rotor con-
dition, or by the way the rotor is mounted on the arbor.


Safety shield

Twin cutter

Spindle Speed 3-position

Adjustment Lever

Inner depth-of-
cut collars

Tool bit controls

Hold knob with one hand

– turn collar

Each increment =

0.002” english,

0.05 mm metric

First scratch cut