Allen&Heath Scepter USER GUIDE User Manual
Page 30

Audio Owner Manual
Section 4
Pin 1 Lift
This recessed switch is used to disconnect Pin 1 from ground on the LEFT/
RIGHT output XLR connectors. Used to eliminate ground loops when connecting up
different pieces of equipment Use a pencil or other thin probe to activate the switch;
Pin 1 is lifted when the switch is IN.
Left/Right Main Outputs
Main outputs for the Left and Right mix amps. These XLR connector outputs
follow the
faders. Their outputs can be monitored on the L/R LED meters.
balanced XLR. Pin 2 hot, Pin 3 low, Pin 1 ground. Output impedance
nominal level
maximum level of
These outputs are self-compensating electronically balanced. They can be operated
unbalanced with either polarity, by taking the signal from the desired pin
and connecting the unused output pin to ground. The output of
the driving pin will increase by 6dB to compensate for the loss of the grounded pin.
stereo jack for returning effects back into the Scepter L/R mix. By using
the appropriate jack connection, high or low level EFX devices can be
accommodated. The Tip of the jack is for low level (-1
EFX devices;
gain is provided with this connection to bring the output level of the device up to
For high level
EFX devices, use the unity gain Ring connection
either by inserting the plug half way in or by wiring the plug using the Ring
connection instead of the Tip. Input impedance is 25k Ohm for low level,
Ohm for high level.
Stereo Return
stereo jack for returning stereo EFX, Tape, CD or other low level stereo
sources into the Scepter. The jack is wired for low level
inputs; Tip being
Left input and the Ring as right. Input impedance is
Ohm in stereo mode,
dropping to 20k Ohm when the MONO switch is pressed(Tip Ring inputs are
mixed thru 1 Ok Ohm resistors with MONO). Aux A B pre-level sends are available
for wet monitoring.
L/R Insert
Stereo Jack used to insert signal processing devices into Left or Right.
The Tip is used for the Send, and the Ring connection is used for the Return. The
insert point is located after the mix amp just before the fader. Nominal signal level is
output impedance is 50 Ohm with a recommended load of 600 Ohm or