AirLive WL-5470AP User Manual
Page 34

AirLive WL_5470AP User’s Manual
This setting is use between Wireless client and this device.
WDS Security
Please refer to the Bridge mode settings Æ WDS Security for details
This setting is use between both wireless AP/Router devices.
Advance Setting
Please refer the AP mode settingsÆ Advance Setting for details.
Access Control
Please refer the AP mode setting Æ Access Control for details.
AP MAC Address
Enter 12 digits in hex numbers in the AP MAC address (BSSID) field and press the
Add MAC Address Button to associate with other’s Wireless access point.
Before you want to use bridge mode to connect each other to provide
A wireless bridge between 2 remote LANs, you need add the BSSID of other’s
wireless AP first.
Delete Selected
To delete bridge from access to this Access Point, you may firstly check the Select
checkbox next to the MAC address and Comments, and press Delete Selected.
Delete All
To delete all the clients from access to this Access Point, just press Delete All
without selecting the checkbox.