1 priority mode 4.9.2 port, 802.1p, ip/ds based, 1 priority mode – AirLive POE-FSH1008AT User Manual

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4. Web Management

AirLive POE-FSH1008AT

User’s Manual


4.9.1 Priority Mode

There are three priority modes available to specify the priority of packets being serviced.

Those include First-In-First-Out, All-High-Before-Low, and Weight-Round-Robin.

First-In-First-Out: Packets are placed into the queue and serviced in the order they

were received.

All-high-before-low(Strict priority):All packets will be assigned to either high priority

queue (Queue 2) or low priority queue (Queue 1). The packet on the low priority queue

will not be forwarded

Weight-Round-Robin (WRR) mode: There are 2 priority queues, Low and High for

Weighted-and-round-robin (WRR) mode. When this mode is selected, the traffic will be

forwarded according to ratio of the number set of Low/High weight user configured.

4.9.2 Port, 802.1p, IP/DS based

The page allows you to enable Port Based, VLAN Tag or IP/DS mode of COS.