AirLive POE-FSH1008AT User Manual
Page 35

4. Web Management
AirLive POE-FSH1008AT
User’s Manual
Port : The port number
Check Function : To enable/disable Guard IP function or Guard Pket(Packet) function
Guard IP address : If Guard IP function is enable , user can key in IP address of the
PoE device which connected with switch. PoE-FSH1008AT will ping the devices, if
there is no reply. The switch will do the failure action. Please remember that do not
disable the Ping echo function in your PoE devices and there is no any IP conflict in
your network.
Interval time : To set the interval time. The switch will ping the IP after Interval time
when Guard IP is enable. Or The switch will monitor the received packet during each
interval time when the Guard pkt is enable.
Retry time : To set that how many time that the switch will retry when the Pin is not
Failure action : To set the action when PoE device is detected failure. There are two
opinion, nothing and reboot . If reboot is set and the connected device is PoE power by
the switch , the switch will re-power the connected device.
Reboot time : To set how many time this switch will wait, when reboot is required by
device guard function
Packet Setting : To set the Packet numbers. When Guard Pkts is enabled, if switch
receiving packets in the port is lower than the Packet Setting number during each
Interval time, the switch will do the failure action. In real application , we donot
suggest to set this number too big.
Important Note for using the device guard
- Please make sure all of the system and installation is finished before Enable Device
Guard function. For example, if you are guard packet function, please make sure the
cameras are started streaming the video to NVR.
- Please make sure Ping Response is not disabled when using Guard IP
- Please make sure video is started streaming when using Guard Pkt mode
- If you connected devices are access point , we suggest to use guard IP.