Belkin PM01110 User Manual
Page 85

G Wireless Router
table of contents
UsInG THe Web-based adVanCed UseR InTeRfaCe
Changing the login Time-out setting
The login time-out option allows you to set the period of time that you
can be logged into the Router’s Web-Based Advanced User Interface�
The timer starts when there has been no activity� For example, you
have made some changes in the Web-Based Advanced User Interface,
then left your computer alone without clicking “Logout”� Assuming the
time-out is set to 10 minutes, then 10 minutes after you leave, the login
session will expire� You will have to log into the Router again to make
any more changes� The login time-out option is for security purposes
and the default is set to 10 minutes�
note: Only one computer can be logged into the Router’s Web-Based
Advanced User Interface at one time�
setting or Changing the administrator Password
The Router ships with NO password entered� If you wish to add a
password for greater security, you can set a password here� Write down
your password and keep it in a safe place, as you will need it if you need
to log into the Router in the future� It is also recommended that you
set a password if you plan to use the remote management feature of
your Router�
Changing system settings
The “System Settings” page is where you can enter a new administrator
password, set the time zone, and enable remote management of
the Router�