Belkin PM01110 User Manual

Page 51

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G Wireless Router


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UsInG THe Web-based adVanCed UseR InTeRfaCe

Using the broadcast ssId feature
note: This advanced feature should be employed by advanced

users only�
For security, you can choose not to broadcast your network’s SSID�

Doing so will keep your network name hidden from computers that

are scanning for the presence of wireless networks� To turn off the

broadcast of the SSID, remove the check mark from the box next to

“Broadcast SSID”, and then click “Apply Changes”� The change is

immediate� Each computer now needs to be set to connect to your

specific SSID; an SSID of “ANY” will no longer be accepted� Refer to

the documentation of your wireless network adapter for information on

making this change�

Qos (Quality of service) Configuration
QoS prioritizes important data on your network, such as multimedia

content and Voice over IP (VoIP), so it will not be interfered with by other

data being sent over the network� Based on 802�11e, you can turn this

feature on or off by selecting it from the drop-down menu and choosing

the acknowledgement mode you want to use� If you plan to stream

multimedia content or use VoIP on your network, we recommend that

you enable the QoS feature�

Protected Mode switch
As part of the 802�11g specification, Protected mode ensures proper

operation of 802�11g clients and access points when there is heavy

802�11b traffic in the operating environment� When Protected mode is

ON, 802�11g scans for other wireless network traffic before it transmits

data� Therefore, using this mode in environments with HEAVY 802�11b

traffic or interference achieves best performance results� If you are in an

environment with very little—or no—other wireless network traffic, your

best performance will be achieved with Protected mode OFF�