Snorkel TL49J-01-sn008562+ User Manual
Page 33

Slew Drive Gears.
The slew drive gear is designed to be largely maintenance free. However, we recommend the
gear teeth be greased on a monthly basis with a high pressure grease. Additionally, the ring
gear and gear box should be greased on a six monthly basis. The grease nipple for the ring
gear is on the top face of the slew gear, set between the fixing bolts. It can be accessed by
lifting one of the side covers, and slewing the structure appropriately.
Grease Nipple
The ring gear should be inspected on a six monthly basis for excessive play. It is unlikely there
will be any wear if the machine is maintained correctly.
Grease Nipples
To check the gear, place a payload of approximately 80Kg in the platform. Elevate the lower
boom to approximately half way. Then gently elevate the top boom, whilst observing the ring
gear. Excessive wear will be observed by noticing more than 0.5mm movement between the
inner and outer bearing rings.
Checking Limit Switch Operation.
The limit switches require no maintenance, other than a visual inspection, on a pre operation
basis. This is an important check, to ensure the switch is not mechanically damaged, and the
roller is always in contact with the cam, when not under load.
The switch operation can be simply checked, by observing the LED display when deploying
the stabilizers. As an outrigger foot touches the ground and becomes loaded, the appropriate
light will change to green. This indicates that the switch contact has operated correctly.
Outriggers NOT
under load
under load
If the LED displays green at any other time then the machine must not be operated, until the
fault is rectified.