Snorkel MB26-sn435-999 User Manual
Page 14

2. Operation & Specifications
The function of the mast straps is to ensure that masts descend in the correct order and
more importantly, that masts cannot continue to descend if the jib or platform meets an
external obstacle. Raise the masts about 30cm. Check the external mast clamp screws for
tightness. Pull on the short length of each strap and check that they are secure. Refer to
the maintenance manual for instructions on more stringent periodic checks on these straps.
Check the Emergency Lowering feature of the mast. The lever is located in the upper mast
over. Open the left hand battery inspection hatch and locate the ‘Emergency Lowering’
decal label. Check the wear pads for damage or heavy scoring. Replace as necessary.
9. Elevate the jib fully. Using the Lower Control Station, turn the mast assembly through
about 90 degrees. Check the correct routing of the hoses and cables and the correct
smooth operation of the energy chain in its chassis base slide. Continue rotating through
180 degrees in both directions. Confirm that the rotation stops are intact.
10. STANDARD PLATFORM CONTROLS Repeat the mast, jib and rotate functions from the
Upper Control Station in the platform. Check that pressing the emergency stop button
prevents subsequent operation of the joystick.
11. TILT SENSOR CHECK While in the platform, ask a colleague to deflect the tilt alarm
sensor body. This sensor is located on the chassis base. The alarm will sound and all
normal lift & drive functions will become interrupted. lowering functions will still be allowed.
Figure 5: Joystick and Tilt Sensor
12. MACHINE TRAVEL - UNELEVATED Travel functions are possible only from the platform
Upper Control Station. As with all such controls, the deadman handgrip switch must be
depressed before any function can operate.
Select Drive on the upper control panel. Pushing back and forward on the joystick moves
the machine backwards and forwards respectively.
The pothole protection will begin to retract immediately. However, full demand speed will
not be realised until the bars are fully raised. This takes about 3 seconds. Check that
the motion alarm DOES sound during travel. Check that the thumb operated switches on
the top of the joystick operates the front wheel steering.
13. MACHINE TRAVEL-ELEVATED While the masts are raised, it is possible to drive and
steer the machine at a much reduced speed. Also note that while the masts are raised, the
pothole protection bars should be fully extended and should remain extended during slow
speed motion of the machine.
Tilt Sensor
Joystick with
Deadman Grip