Caution – Snorkel AB46JE User Manual
Page 48

Chapter 9 – Operation
AB46JE – 0260072
Machine Gradeability
The gradeability specification for the aerial platform is
listed below.
Gradeability – theoretical........................................30%
Theoretically, when all contributing factors are optimal,
the machine can be driven on a slope of 30%. A slope
with a percent grade of 30% is a slope with an angle of
16.5 degrees.
Gradeability – actual.................................................25%
An actual gradeability of 25%, indicates that in most nor-
mal working conditions the machine can be driven on a
slope with an angle of 14.0 degrees.
Electrical Power Outlet
The electrical outlet at the platform has two, 3-prong, 110
volt AC electrical connectors. Their combined output is
limited by a 15 amp circuit breaker.
To use the outlet, plug a source of power into the power-
input connector on the right side of the chassis (refer to
Figure 9.7). Unplug the source of power before moving
the aerial platform.
Figure 9.7 – Power-Input Connector
Air Line
The optional air line may be used to conduct air for tool
operation at the platform.
The input connector is at the rear of the chassis and
the output connector is at the platform on the rotator
The maximum working pressure of the line is 250 psi
(1,723 kPa).
The air line may be used to conduct fluids such as water
or antifreeze. Contact Snorkel for compatibility information
before using the air line to conduct other fluids.
Power-Input Connector
Power-Input Connector
Fluid in the air line may damage some air tools or
freeze and damage the line. Drain and blow out the
air line after using it to conduct fluids.
Use the following procedure to drain the air line.
1. Close the input connector on the chassis.
2. Open the output connector at the platform.
3. Raise the riser and main booms slightly above hori-
4. Open the input connector on the chassis.
5. Allow the fluid to drain from the line.
6. Lower the boom and close both connections.