Macos client services – Apple AppleShare IP 6.0 User Manual
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Setting Up AppleShare IP 6.0
For instructions on how to share this folder and assign privileges, follow the instructions
under “Setting Up File Sharing for the First Time” on page 49.
Provide users with the information they need to find the shared folder using the Chooser.
Users should open the Chooser and select the AppleShare icon, the zone in which the Web &
File Server is located, and the name of the server and volume they need to access.
The server name is the computer name that you entered in the File Sharing control panel.
The server zone is the zone you selected in the AppleTalk control panel. The volume they
need to access is the shared AppleShare Client 3.8 folder.
Tell users to open the AppleShare Client 3.8 folder and install as instructed.
Users should refer to the “AppleShare IP Client 3.8 Read Me” file (in the AppleShare Client
3.8 folder) for instructions on how to install and use the client software. The read me file also
has additional information about interpreting access privileges.
Mac OS Client Services
After Mac OS clients have upgraded their software, they can use AppleShare IP services as
Using Web & File Services
To use AppleShare file sharing services, client users select the AppleShare icon in the
Chooser, then connect to the Web & File Server and access shared files (or volumes).
To use FTP services, client users need to enter an FTP address (for example, “ftp://”) in a client application that supports FTP. The industry-standard
Web browsers that come with Mac OS 8.1—Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape
—both support FTP.
To connect to your Web site, client users enter the Web server’s universal resource locator
(URL) into any industry-standard Web browser. The URL is “http://
example, “” Alternatively, users can type in the IP address for the
AppleShare IP Web & File Server, for example,
Using Mail Service
To connect to the Mail Server, Macintosh users can use any Internet client mail application
that supports SMTP and POP or IMAP protocols. The client’s e-mail program need to be
configured with the account name, password, and e-mail address you assigned them in the
Mail Admin program. See “Setting Up the Mail Server for the First Time” on page 56.
Using Print Service
To use the Print Server over AppleTalk, client users need to have version 7 or 8 of the
LaserWriter printer driver installed. For TCP/IP printing, clients need to have LaserWriter 8.5.1
or later installed.