Apple AppleShare IP 6.0 User Manual
Page 57

Setting Up AppleShare IP 6.0
If you’re upgrading from a previous version of the AppleShare Mail Server, your users and
groups mail settings are still available. You can skip this section and go to “Setting Up the
Print Server for the First Time” on page 59.
Note: If you have a large number of users for whom you want to enable mail services, you
can create a spreadsheet with the necessary information and import it. For instructions, see
the Users & Groups section of AppleShare IP Help after completing the remaining
instructions in this maual.
To enable mail for registered users, follow these steps:
Open the Mail Admin program by clicking the Open Mail Admin button in the AppleShare IP
Manager window.
Enter your name and password in the Administer Mail Server dialog box. Then click OK.
The Mail Admin program starts up and displays the Mail Server Activity window.
Click the Users & Groups List button (or choose Show Users & Groups List from the Server
The Users & Groups List window appears.
In the Users & Groups List window, double-click the name of a user for whom you want to
enable mail.
The User window for the user appears.
Note: If you’re installing AppleShare IP for the first time and following the instructions in
this manual, you may only have one registered user, besides yourself, in the Users & Groups
List. After you’ve created your remaining users, don’t forget to enable mail for them too.
If the user’s name contains spaces or special characters, make sure there is a name in the
Internet Alias text box.
If the user’s name contains spaces or special characters, the Mail Server uses the Internet
alias (if one is provided) to identify users who log on over TCP. For information on entering a
valid Internet alias, see “Registering a User for the First Time” on page 46.